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[학술논문] Whom Does Remote Work Make Happy? The Digital Divide in Remote Workers’ Well-Being
2024.08.31 |
서울대 BK사업단 |
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[학술논문] The Effects of Responsibility Frames and Stigmatizing Headlines in News on Support for COVID-19 Policies in Korea
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서울대 BK사업단 |
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[학술논문] 코로나19 상황에서 팩트체크 뉴스의 품질이 뉴스의 상호작용과 팩트체크 효과에 미치는 영향
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[학술논문] Identity Experiment in the Metaverse: Making Sense of Zepeto Users’ Avatar Use
2024.08.31 |
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[학술논문] 신문의 지면 편집은 무엇을 지향하는가
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서울대 BK사업단 |
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[학술논문] The Techno-Optics of Safety: Surveillance and Women's Ambivalent Experiences in South Korea's “Smart Safe City”
2024.08.31 |
서울대 BK사업단 |
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[학술논문] How moral reframing enhances political persuasion: The role of processing fluency and self-affirmation
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서울대 BK사업단 |
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[학술논문] Identity experiment in the metaverse: Making sense of Zepeto users’ avatar use
2024.08.31 |
서울대 BK사업단 |
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[학술논문] What makes fact-checking effective? Exploratory research into the role of linguistic politeness
2024.08.31 |
서울대 BK사업단 |
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[학술논문] Designing an Effective Fact-checking Education Program: the Complementary Relationship between Games and Lectures
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서울대 BK사업단 |
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[학술논문] My news, your news, and our news: Self-presentational motivations and three levels of issue relevance in news sha
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서울대 BK사업단 |
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[학술저서] 허위정보와 팩트체크 저널리즘
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[학술논문] 웹소설에 재현된 낭만적 사랑: 웹소설 수용자 인식을 중심으로
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[학술저서] 한류 탐색: 역사와 이론
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[학술논문] Navigating the seas of inclusivity: A collaborative voyage at the helm of a communication flagship journal
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