해외석학 세미나 시리즈

제3회 해외석학 세미나 시리즈: Jeff Hancock (Stanford University)

  • 서울대 BK사업단
  • 날짜 2021.02.16
  • 조회수 1,019

주제: AI-Mediated Communication

일시: 2월 3일 (수) 12:30 - 2:00시

발표자: Jeff Hancock 교수 (Stanford University)

초록: What used to be computer-mediated communication, in which machines transmitted messages between humans at our behest, is evolving into AI-mediated communication, in which machines now optimize those messages to achieve human goals. Many questions emerge when AI operates between humans in communication. How can we trust one another when it is not clear whether a machine or a human wrote a message? How do we judge others when AI is used to communicate on their behalf? Does the involvement of AI in human communication change the way that humans speak? Finally, what are the ethical and moral implications of using AI to communicate on our behalf? In this talk I’ll address each of these questions, reporting on several studies with my collaborators and lay out some theoretical roadmaps to guide our future thinking on understanding AI-mediateㅇ communication.

연사 소개: Jeff Hancock is the Harry and Norman Chandler Professor of Communication at Stanford University, Founding Director of the Social Media Lab and Director of the Stanford Center for Computational Social Science. A leading expert in social media behavior and the psychology of online interaction, Professor Hancock studies the impact of social media and AI technology on well-being, relationships, deception and trust, how we form impressions of others and how we manage others’ impressions of ourselves, and more. His award-winning research has been published in over 100 journal articles and conference proceedings and has been supported by funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Defense. Professor Hancock’s TED Talk on deception has been seen over 1 million times and his research has been frequently featured in the popular press, including the New York Times, CNN, NPR, CBS and the BBC.  

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