해외석학 세미나 시리즈

제9회 해외저명학자 초청 특강: Jingwen Zhang (University of California Davis)

  • 서울대 BK사업단
  • 날짜 2022.08.03
  • 조회수 714
일시: 8월 2일 (화) 9:30 - 11:00

접속 링크: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/99189596371

강연자: Jingwen Zhang (University of California Davis)

제목: Artificial Intelligence-Driven Communication for Persuasion and Behavior Change 


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has increasingly infused and transformed the landscape of human communication. With the rise of conversational AI or chatbot in curating knowledge and shaping beliefs and behaviors, it is critical to theorize AI-driven communication (AI-DC) and examine the mechanisms and effects of it pertaining to various communication outcomes. This talk presents an overview of AI-DC and its applications. Then, it presents two lines of research that delve into AI-DC for persuasion and AI-DC for behavior change. The first line of AI-DC for persuasion focuses on designing and explicating optimal AI conservations in terms of linguistic, persuasive, and sequential strategies in promoting prosocial behavior. The second line in AI-DC for behavior change discusses the AI-Chatbot Behavior Change Model and its applications in multiple health domains. Challenges, dilemma, and opportunities presented in AI-DC for human-AI communication will be discussed.

강연자 소개: 

Jingwen Zhang is an Associate Professor of the Department of Communication and an Affiliate Faculty of the Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of California Davis. She received her PhD in Communication from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Zhang’s research focuses on understanding, designing, and testing emerging persuasive technologies in shaping public attitudes and behaviors. She has conducted many clinical trials that demonstrated the efficacy and mechanisms of social media, online social networks, and mobile applications in changing health attitudes and behaviors. During the past five years, she has focused on understanding and developing conversational AI or chatbot in persuasion and health promotion. She received the Ayman El-Mohandes Young Professional Public Health Innovation Award in 2021.  

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