해외석학 세미나 시리즈

제1회 해외석학 세미나 시리즈: S. Shyam Sundar (Penn State University)

  • 서울대 BK사업단
  • 날짜 2020.12.21
  • 조회수 1,054

AI as Interactive Media: A Framework for Resolving the Tension between Human Agency and Machine Agency

일시: 1월 8일 (금) 10:30 ~ 12:00

발표자: S. Shyam Sundar 교수 (The Pennsylvania State University)

초록: From smartphones to smart speakers, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming an integral part of most modern media. This poses an obvious question for communication researchers: How do we best conceptualize Human-AI Interaction (HAII)? This talk will argue that the key concept is “agency tension”: Interactive media not only provide more agency to human users, but increasingly serve as vehicles for asserting machine agency, thereby creating a psychological tension that pits personalization against privacy, self-expression against misinformation, and so on. This talk will offer some ideas for resolving the tension by proposing a framework for studying AI-driven media that invokes the speaker’s Theory of Interactive Media Effects (TIME). In order to achieve good user experience with AI products, it is important for researchers to rigorously observe psychological responses to machine agency, and designers to balance machine agency with human agency in media interfaces.

연사 소개: S. Shyam Sundar (PhD, Stanford University) is James P. Jimirro Professor of Media Effects and founding director of the Media Effects Research Laboratory at The Pennsylvania State University (http://bellisario.psu.edu/people/individual/s.-shyam-sundar). His research investigates social and psychological effects of interactive media, including mobile phones, social media, chatbots, robots, and smart speakers. His experiments investigate the role played by technological affordances in shaping user experience of mediated communications in a variety of interfaces. He edited the first-ever Handbook on the Psychology of Communication Technology (Blackwell Wiley, 2015) and served as editor-in-chief of the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication from 2013 to 2017.

일시: 1월 8일 (금오전 10 30 - 12시

참여링크: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/89018180843 

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